Incentives / Prizes

While we know you fund-raise to help reach a lost world for Christ, it’s always nice to receive an incentive for a job well done. Run 4 Hope participants who go the extra mile with their fundraising qualify for special prizes!

Fundraising Tips & Tools

Your fundraising is making a difference by restoring the lives of those affected by drug addiction, gang violence, prostitution, and reuniting families ripped apart. Be a fundraising powerhouse, just use these tips to take advantage of the many resources available and aim high!

Fundraising with Social Media

Connecting with friends and family through social media will broaden your reach and help deliver your message. You can connect with Run 4 Hope through Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram

Use this hashtag when posting on social media: #R4H2024

Ready to get started?

Register or sponsor someone today and help us reach people in need.